
June 2012 Meeting Minutes

QBTB held the regular meeting on June 26.

Welcome-Mary Bradshaw, President

     Visitors were welcomed and introduced-Susan and Trudy

     Minutes-Correction to May Minutes-Marcia Dyer will do French Twist Binding

          instead of Machine Binding for the 4-Corners Guild Meeting the first part of


          Minutes were then approved by voice vote.

     Membership-The new chair is Sandy Dunning

          Membership dues are now due--$35.00

          New membership cards and name tags will be updated this year

     Hospitality-Vicki Gleason

          A sympathy card was sent to Sandi Pickering from the Guild

          Birthdays for June-Diana Malley-June 2; Judy Bowie-June 6;

               Vicki Gleason-June 6; Kim Killen-June 29; Mary Voight-June 30

     Treasurer’s Report-Krystal Johnson

          Balance of $12,006+

PROGRAM: Wendy Mamattah from Portland area presented a program on African

     Designs, underwater and forest scenes using fabric, threads, paints & pastels

Brown Bag Challenges-To be continued at the July Guild Meeting

     Those finished: Joyce M. 121 blocks used to make 2 charity quilts

          Betty-Red & black quilt; Delores—A quilt done in purples and aquas;

          Judy B.-Brown Strips-Rollin' in the Field; Vicki-Applique pillow;

          Paula-Triangular star quilt for charity; Mary-Butterfly batik; Bobbi-

          Strip quilt; Dorothy-Squares & stars quilt for grandson and a strip quilt;

Heather shared the finished quilt top she had received from the Guild when she completed her

     term as President

Elections: Sandy Jarvis presented the following people for office:

     Vice President-Nancy Gervais

     Secretary-Paula Brevet

     Program Chair-Irma Bast

     Carole Boughton moved that the nominations close and this slate of people be elected

           for 2014-2016. Motion voted on. Approved by a show of hands

Budget-Bradshaw explained the proposed budget

     Discussion-no questions Dorothy moved that the Guild approve the Budget as

          projected. Motion approved by the Guild

     Heather Stailey made a motion to amend the budget to add $100.00 for hospitality.

          Discussion-no questions, so motion approved by show of hands.

Garage Sale-No one has stepped up to handle the Sale in August, so we will not participate.

AUDIT: The Guild books need to be audited. We have no one who is a CPA. It was suggested

     that we contact Marjorie Richie and inquire whether her son would consider auditing

     the Guild books.

Website and Facebook were discussed briefly

Flyers need to be updated for our Guild, so we can get current information out to others.

Small Groups are meeting. Most are deciding among themselves when to meet and where.

***July Meeting will be on July 23, 2014. Program will be presented by Mary Bridge. Brown Bag Challenges will be shared.***

Show and Tell—Marcia C.-Charity Quilt; Nancy –Baby Quilts; Marcia D.-Paper-pieced quilt

Respectfully Submitted by Jan Jansen, Secretary